The Offerings




1:1 Explorations

A Journey of Self-Discovery

If you’re…

  • Wondering if there’s something more within you, buried under rubble, that just can’t seem to find it’s way to the surface

  • Finding yourself wondering or perhaps dreaming if there’s another way. A different path that you can sense, but can’t seem to find

  • Feeling trapped on a hamster wheel in your work, relationships, life

  • Having a sense of being held down by an invisible weight

  • Something just feels off, but you can’t quite name it

  • Drowning in noise - whether it’s internal chatter and rumination or like a fog horn all around you

  • Being inundated with feelings of anger, resentment, frustration, guilt, shame, heartbreak

  • Feeling exhausted by ‘old programming’ that you’re not even sure where it came from, but you know it’s keeping you stuck

  • This hard to describe feeling of missing ‘home’, even if your childhood home was less than ideal (or non-existent)

  • Regular bouts of existential crisis - asking yourself the question ‘is this really life?’

  • Searching for answers everywhere, not trusting, believing, or even considering that you could have the answers you’re looking for

  • If you’re ready to break free from a life that doesn’t nourish you, from a lineage of wounds that don’t serve you, and from systems that keep you from living your most authentic and empowered life

Working with Kerrie is unlike any other experience. She is very intuitive and leads with kindness bringing an approach that allows the discoveries to continually unfold.
— C.M.

Energetic Embodiment

*in-person sessions only available in Bellingham, WA

  • 1 session (60 minutes)

  • Intuitively guided methods (shamanic techniques, light touch) to create space in the body for your natural blueprint of health

  • Nervous system regulation, deep restoration, movement of stored ‘content’, and insights from your wisest parts



$90 - $75

Scroll down to learn more about sliding scale.

What’s at the Core // 1 Session

These sessions offer clarity, perspective, and a glimpse into what is seeking your attention and why

  • 1 session (75- 90 minutes)

  • Guided attunement to your Self using various techniques from breathing, movement, shamanic practices, writing, guided meditation, and somatic skills

  • Tailored and intuitive practices during the session to support your discovery and unique process

  • Suggested integration practices to continue to deepen your exploration after the session



$125 - $90

Scroll down to learn more about sliding scale.

High Priestess Mentorship // 3 Months

Integrating the wisdom of the Divine Feminine = *MAGIC*

  • 1 exploration session [75 - 90 mins] where we establish the North Star of how we will work together

  • 6 bi-weekly 75 minute sessions

  • Bi-weekly email prompts with an opportunity to reflect 

  • Unlimited email support

  • Suggested integration practices between sessions uploaded to private access Google Drive

  • 1 final Celebration session 

  • Total of 8 sessions



$1,444 // $1,111 // $720 

Scroll down to learn more about sliding scale.

Payments are monthly, unless otherwise requested. Scholarships and alternative payment plans are always available, please send your request with an explanation of your situation to

High Priestess Mentorship // 6 Months

Integrating the wisdom of the Divine Feminine = *MAGIC*

  • 1 exploration session [75 - 90 mins] where we establish the North Star of how we will work together 

  • 12 bi-weekly 75 minute sessions

  • Bi-weekly email prompts with an opportunity to reflect 

  • Unlimited email support

  • Suggested integration practices between sessions uploaded to private access Google Drive

  • 1 final Celebration session 

  • Total of 14 sessions



$2,444 // $1,888 // $1,260

Scroll down to learn more about sliding scale.

Payments are monthly, unless otherwise requested. Scholarships and alternative payment plans are always available, please send your request with an explanation of your situation to

Shamanic Counseling // 6 Sessions

Ancient wisdom for a modern world. Journey to meet a spirit guide, find your inner most temple, and become the healer you are.

  • 6 bi-weekly 60 minute sessions

  • Unlimited email support

  • Suggested integration practices between sessions uploaded to private access Google Drive


$333// $55.50 per session

Have no idea what this is? Curious to know more? Click the ‘Learn More’ button

Working Together

Working together looks like learning to hear, understand, and honor what you need to feel nourished, supported, purposeful, and joyful because you are your best healer. No two souls are alike, and so no two sessions are the same. Each meeting evolves based on whatever is present in the moment.

The practices will be intuitively led drawing from my resources of somatic + post-traumatic growth work, alternative therapies (writing, art, music), guided meditation, nervous system regulation, shamanic practices, Qoya, yoga, Ayurveda, and the guidance of Spirit. All will be presented as an invitation and we’ll decide together what feels right for the session, your intuition gets an opportunity to be honored as well as your boundaries. We will always start with a verbal check-in and an opportunity to name whatever is on your heart / mind. 

〰️"Working with Kerrie has been a truly transformational experience... " -Taylor W.

〰️"I look forward to every session with Kerrie and heal so much from the space she provides..." -Samantha R.

〰️"The mentorship is designed in a way that is totally unique to YOU (not the surface you, not the ambitions you have, but the BEING that is you)..." -Miasha V.

〰️"Working with Kerrie has been a truly transformational experience... " -Taylor W. 〰️"I look forward to every session with Kerrie and heal so much from the space she provides..." -Samantha R. 〰️"The mentorship is designed in a way that is totally unique to YOU (not the surface you, not the ambitions you have, but the BEING that is you)..." -Miasha V.

Exploration questionnaire 

The below questionnaire is designed to help you feel a bit deeper into the container. There is no way to take this wrong, simply be honest with yourself about where you are on your journey. 

  1. Have you started down the path of your unique healing?

  2. Are you prepared to commit 3 to 6 months to exploring yourself deeper?

  3. Are you in a place where you can find courage even when it may be uncomfortable?

  4. Do you have the time, resources, finances, and capacity for soul work at this time?

  5. Are you ok with not having progress boxes to check? 

  6. Do you have a personal relationship with Source/God/Angels/Guides/Divine/Spirit (that which goes by many names?) If you answered no, would you like to? 

  7. Are you ready to uncover who you are and discover what you’re here to offer?

  8. Do you seek a container where you can show up exactly as you are and be met there? 

  9. Do you feel stuck and welcome new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities on your journey?

  10. Are old patterns, traumas, oppressive systems, wounds, and/or stories keeping you from hearing your soul's calling?  

If you answered yes to 5 questions or more, I invite you to set up a free consultation call where we will dive a bit deeper into what it is you’re looking to receive and if we’re a good match. 

If you’re still unsure and are having mixed feelings, let’s have a [free] feeler call to see if we’re a good fit.

About 3 Tier Sliding Scale Payments

The tiered sliding scale is a way to work towards equality for all types of socio-economic humans. If you’re not sure where you fall, or want to get really honest with yourself and your level of privilege, you can take the below quiz which was inspired by and utilized from aorta (anti-oppression resource and training alliance). The idea is the first tier helps support those who fall in the middle and lower tiers, so if you can make the first tier work without financial difficultly, perhaps you’d like to be a part of a community raising others up by passing on some privilege :)

On a piece of paper, write the numbers 1 - 18. Answer the below questions, writing ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ next to each number. At the end, tally up the number of No’s.

  1. Are you a homeowner or landowner?

  2. Did your parents or primary caregivers own their home while you were growing up?

  3. In the last 12 months have you been able to pay all of your bills on time, even if you’ve had some anxiety about it?

  4. Do you have financial ease accessing healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members?

  5. Are you unburdened by healthcare costs related to disability or chronic health challenges?

  6. Do you have zero to little debt, and/or only debts for things that are a privilege, like mortgage payments?

  7. Do you have easy access to disposable income for things like eating out, vacations, and shopping, without having to save or shuffle?

  8. Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?

  9. Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?

  10. Do you share household expenses, including expenses for any dependents, with a partner or family member? 

  11. Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?

  12. Have you (or could you) have attended college and/or graduate school? 

  13. Did your parents or other family members pay for your college education, in part or in full? (If you live outside the US in a country where college tuition is free/affordable/paid for by the government, please select Yes here). 

  14. Do you have citizenship by birth in the country in which you reside, or are you an expat by choice?

  15. Are you part of a racial group that has current and/or historical wealth/access advantages?

  16. Has your life been free of racial discrimination?

  17. Has your life been free of debilitating chronic pain, illness or mental health challenges that have impacted your ability to work, save or earn money?

  18. Has your life been free of discrimination or financial barriers based on your gender-identity (trans / nonbinary) or sexual orientation? 

If you answered mostly or more No than Yes, please feel free to request the lower tier. If you answered equal or more yes than no, the middle tier is a good fit. Mostly yes (12 or more questions yes), the higher tier is where you’re at.

Scholarships and alternative payment plans are always available, please send your request with an explanation of your situation to



How do I know if this container is right for me? You can try the questionnaire above for a bit more clarity, or if you feel a pull anywhere in your body and/or have some inexplicable curiosity, I invite you to schedule a free feeler call. Since the exploration is about supporting you, this is often the best way to feel into if we’re a good match, if the timing is right, and if you’re at a place where the 1:1 container would be supportive. 

What exactly do we do in a session? There is no formula and often we are working with whatever is present, kind of like a therapy session in that way (and only that way). Part of the power of the sessions is showing up at dedicated times to land and allow yourself to be held and reflected in sacred space. Experientially, we will almost always ground, connect to the body, and check in to see what you’d like to receive. From there it can look like nurturing self-care practices, guided meditations, movement, somatic work, or something completely different- but on my end it is always a spirit led journey. We will flow with what’s most alive and present for you in the moment based on what comes through, working in communion with each other and spirit. It’s not about following an agenda, it’s about leaning into the present, because that’s where the magic happens. 

What can I expect to receive from the experience? Support, an outside perspective/reflection, a cheerleader, a safe space, practice coming into a regulated state, miracles, blessings, and transformation (if you’re up for it). 

Is this the same as therapy? No, because I am not a therapist, and the idea is to work with embodiment rather than just the mind. It is a space dedicated to you, but that’s where the similarities end. The tools and techniques I employ are ones that I’ve gathered along my healing path, therefore I am sharing them with you from a place of experience. However, just because something worked for me, doesn’t mean it will be the same for you, so I empower you to take everything we do as an invitation and to make it your own. 

Can I do multiple sessions without the 3 or 6 month? The timing of these program are intentional. Our established time together co-creates an alchemical container that grows with each session. Part of what makes this an exploration is the dedicated time we’ll spend together to honor your timing - allowing space for your individual pace. However, you can book What’s at the Core sessions on a one-off basis.

Do you have an in person offering? Currently, all offerings are online. In person will be available soon!