The Offerings



Shamanic Counseling

Insights into Your Soul, Guided by Spirit…

Using the ancient technique of the shamanic journey, you will explore the inner workings of your deepest Self within your Garden of Soul. Your Garden of Soul is a place unique to your soul's blueprint and contains the multiple facets of your essence - from your gifts, talents and medicines to your subconscious patterns and shadows, as well as your Divine spark and connection to Source. 

Over the course of 6 sessions you will meet a spirit animal guide, explore your Garden of Soul, ask questions burning in your heart, and perhaps receive a healing, remove or transmute what is ready to be released, or something else that your Spirit allies wish to offer you. Anything is possible in the non-ordinary realm, all that is asked is your surrender, trust, and willingness to be curious about the unseen and what it holds for you. 

This practice, often called Shamanic Counseling, is a way to reconnect with the core of who you are - to remember your authentic self, your unique voice and gifts, and to begin to explore any places of resistance, old patterns, and samskaras [the deep grooves that are our wounds] to remember your Divine connection and your wholeness.

How It Works //

  • Sessions - each session is 1 hour meeting bi-weekly via video chat.

    • 6 sessions - each session will build upon the last, with the first 2 having a set intention and the last 4 with the opportunity to hone in on a specific question(s).*

  • Journeying - using a drum track (provided by Kerrie) you will travel to the non-ordinary realm. You will speak your entire experience out loud and it will be recorded on your personal device (cell phone works great for this!)

  • The Garden of Soul- this is the landscape you will explore starting in the second session and where you will seek the answer(s) to your question(s). It contains all of the facets of You: your gifts, medicines, shadows, traumas, and your Divine Spark or the part of you that is one with Source.

  • Time for Integration- in between sessions the invitation is to listen back to the recording of your journey and take time to make notes and reflect on the experience. Before each session we will take time to talk about anything that came up during your reflection. 

  • Suggested Integration Practices - I will share any notes that I take from your journey and also offer some suggested integration practices between sessions. 

  • Nervous System Regulation - as needed, we'll spend some time before the journeys grounding and using tools to down regulate the nervous system.


INVESTMENT: $333/ $55.5 per session 

*A one-off session is accepted to see if this is the right fit for you and is $120. Should you choose to do the full 6 sessions, the $120 will be deducted from the total investment of $333.

**financial assistance and payment plans are always available, please email



What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices dating back to ancient Siberian, Indian, Native American, and South American cultures. Its roots run throughout the world, with many cultures having similar practices and traditions that can be tied back to shamanism.  

Engaging with Shamanism can be a deep remembering of a timeless, ancient wisdom that lives within us all. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all beings, and invites us into the realms, the seen and unseen, Mother Earth and Spirit. Shamanism honors all life and helps us to remember that life is in service to us, as we are in service to life. It is a reciprocity in the realm of the seen, and the support of the unseen helps us find our way home. Read more about my personal lived experience of shamanism here

What is a journey?

A journey is a technique introduced in shamanism to travel to the non-ordinary or unseen realm to meet with spirit and receive healings, guidance, and embark into a place of self-exploration and transformation. It’s a place where the Higher Self can be accessed and we can meet with various parts of ourselves uninhibited by ego and guided by spirit. 

Sitting, laying down, or in any position that’s comfortable, with eyes closed - an eye mask can be great to assist with creating minimal distractions- you’ll be guided into the unseen realm by a drum beat. The drum is a metaphor for the horse on which we travel into the non-ordinary, and also acts as a way to access a trance state. The journey happens entirely within the mind's eye (or the imagination), and the experience varies from person to person. There’s no wrong way to have a journey experience, and to wonder if you’re making it all up is completely normal - part of the practice is leaning into internal validation, trusting our inner wisdom and what we’re shown, and trusting in the process. 

What if I can’t journey?

Be kind and patient with yourself. Traveling with the drum keeps us in an alpha state or relaxed reflection, a different place than theta, which is accessed during meditation and ‘flow’ states. If your nervous system isn’t tended to, it’s possible you’ll be on high alert and find it difficult to surrender to the process. We’ll always check-in before a journey and do what’s accessible to care for the nervous system, yet it’s possible that what is needed is time and practice. If your first journey is overwhelming or frustrating, can that be an invitation to engage in self-compassion, and a willingness to try and soften? Journeying is a practice that gets more ease-ful with time, patience and of course, practice.

Can I do just 1 session?

Yes - if you’re not sure if this is for you but you’re curious, one session is a great way to feel into the offering. If you find yourself with a resounding yes and want to continue on into your Garden of Soul, the first session will rollover into the full offering of 6 sessions. 

What if I want to do more than 6 sessions?

This offering is a means to help you discover your own innate healing abilities and allow you to journey independently when you’re feeling called to receive healing, answers to questions, rejuvenation, and self-transformation. If after 6 sessions you’re feeling like a few more sessions together would be supportive, we can explore that together. 

If there was nervous system tending needed for the first few sessions, we can also add onto the offering based on how far you’d like to take the experience. Together we can discern what feels in right-relationship to your needs, my needs, and what spirit guides us towards.