The Offerings





Tiny Group: The Language of the Body

Is the idea of connecting with your body a point of frustration? Does the question “where do you notice that in your body?” make you cringe? If so, I get it, because that’s always been me. 

Somatic therapy is incredibly powerful, but also, it relies on our ability to locate ‘sensation’ or ‘feelings’ in the body.  For some of us, that’s not as easy as the often flippantly asked question implies. 

Learning to speak the Language of the Body is a practice. If you’re struggling with sensation or feelings in the body, there are other ways of receiving the body's wisdom. You may be surprised to discover you are totally capable of communicating with your vessel. If you want to explore more, an invitation to join me in a 90 minute gathering where we’ll:

  • Meet the 6 languages our body might speak to us in

  • Take time to attune to the body with guided movement

  • Notice - because reflection is the opportunity to listen - through sharing or journaling 

  • Do a guided meditation in which we’ll move through the chakras to connect with the different energy centers of the body 

The Deets:

  • Online (stable internet connection required)

  • Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

  • 12pm PT - 1:30pm PT

  • Investment: Donation (suggested donation $15 - $30)

  • Tiny Group: 5 participants max

  • Sign up HERE