The Offerings

Business Sessions

Sacred Work Business Sessions

Are you feeling called to bring forth your Sacred Work and desire support to harness the power of your passion into a vessel for creation?

Meet the Sacred Work Sessions. These 1:1 sessions are designed to work from the inside-out. It's not a "how-to" or business tactics and lessons. Instead, it's about connecting to the core of your sacred work, its energetic signature and essence, and moving from a place of authenticity, integrity, and heart-led passion. From here, in my experience, the 'how to' and 'what next' begin to reveal itself…like magic.

The Sessions

Craving support in a particular area? Book a one-off. Want to move through the entire process to reconnect with your work? Book a package. Looking for something you don’t see here? Ask me. If it’s outside of my experience, I’ll help you find a resource that works for you.

  • Incubation Chamber - not quite sure what it is, but have a sense that there’s something wanting to manifest through you? This is a place to nurture the dream seed

  • The Essence - connect with the energetic signature of your offering(s), establish what your heart and soul are craving to bring forward below the story of your mind

  • Build a Solid Foundation - identify your True Place, lead with integrity, find your fiercely authentic voice, and discover how this will shape the copy, look, feel, and ways you'll connect with people

  • Dreamweaving (aka "Marketing") - a different approach to marketing; allowing the spark to drive you (instead of operating from ‘should’s’) while allowing for trust, surrender, and receiving. Sounds crazy, but what if marketing could fill your cup instead of deplete it…?

  • Money Matters- all things money; from understanding any wounds around money, to identifying the value of your work, to creating a budget, to finding ways you feel comfortable receiving, and more. If it’s’ about money, let’s talk about it

  • Project Accountability - managing timelines can feel like a drag while you’re busy dreaming and creating, so let me take the reigns and guide your project through to completion with structure so you can follow the flow

  • Collaboration - sometimes we need an outside perspective, someone who can see something we may not. Just because you’ve chosen the route of solo entrepreneur, doesn’t mean you have to figure it all out on your own. Let me support you through the power of connection



Do I have to have a business? If you have a dream of a business, have started down the road but have been met with detours, are just stepping into an offering for the first time, or are up and running and looking to reconnect and/or possibly reevaluate what you’re offering, we’ve got a space for you.

Will I get practical business advice? Kind of. There are some practical and tangible offerings, but ultimately you’ll be building a foundation for yourself by feeling into what you need, crave, desire, lights you up. This will be unique to you, your offering or business, and could present itself in unexpected ways - through my reflections, your own intuition, a whisper from nature, or spirit, or a card pull . So yes, you’ll be getting advice, but possibly in surprising ways.

Is this online only? At this time, yes.

Investment: Session Break Downs

  • 60 minutes // $90

  • 90 minutes // $120

  • 120 minutes // $175

    All prices in USD. Financial assistance and alternative payment plans are always available, please send your request with an explanation of your situation to