Energetic Embodiment

These sessions work below the thinking mind to energetically create space for the subtle body to express what's ready to be released.

Most of us are carrying around ‘content’ that we’re consciously unaware of, but is affecting our day – to – day lives in ways we are aware of.

There is only so much the mind can do, at some point we have to surrender our desire to know, understand, fix, or control and create a nurturing space for the natural healing ability of the body to unleash its’ magick.

What to Expect: Sessions vary based on the person, but some common experiences include:

  • Energetic expressions in what can feel like ‘waves’ of emotions/feelings

  • Discomfort as old experiences stored in the body surface (we will always titrate and resource to meet these moments)

  • A feeling of spaciousness, relaxation, calmness

  • A sense of deep restoration

  • Feeling seen, supported, and held

My Approach:  I listen and wait for cues from your system as to how to proceed. As a firm believer in the inherent wisdom and healing power within each of us, what I bring is the power of the relational field and the willingness to listen and offer support for your system to begin to heal as it’s ready.

The more time we spend together, the more capacity becomes available for stored patterns to be released. I infuse my intuitive practice with the ancient wisdom of shamanism and techniques and theories of quantum healing to guide connection with your most eternal Self, where your personal brand of knowing and magick are waiting.

To request a session, please complete the form below and I will be in touch.

Sliding Scale Investment: $90 - $75