The Offerings


High Council

Infuse your Sacred Work with New Life

In these Sacred Work Sessions unleash your high priestess as we gather in ceremony to invoke our inner wisdom and infuse our sacred work with new life and possibility. Through weekly ritual gatherings we support each other as well as step into our power, a divine sisterhood communing in High Council. 

In each gathering we create a channel for creativity, nurturance, support, receptivity, and flow, identifying blocks, patterns, and places of resistance we sense are holding us back. With a structure and foundation infused with ceremony, our gatherings create a crucible where the magick of alchemy can take place. We embody our sacred work in community and collaboration, our time together a buoy and anchor to return to weekly.

We are the Daughters of the Moon

The High Priestess lives within us and is woven into all living things. It’s not about being a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’, but about seeking balance in a predominantly masculine driven world. Go go go, produce produce produce overrides rest, nurture, and receptivity in our capitalistic, patriarchal culture. Without the intuition, compassion, and ability to rest and receive our High Priestess thrives in, it can be challenging to sustain ourselves, our work, and our world.

By invoking our High Priestess in sacred circle we nourish our souls and practice what it means to live in attunement with our inner wisdom, unique rhythms, and creativity, tapping into the wellspring of our power.

What is High Council?

A priestess’s wisdom can offer perspective. Sitting in High Council there is a channeling of the subtle and not so subtle energies that can infuse new life into the places that feel stale. Something we weren’t able to see before can be revealed, seeds receive nourishment while blooms can flourish and fruits can ripen.

We all have something to offer, and deserve to receive. The High Council is a space dedicated to each of us and all of us, whether we’re receiving or providing council.

These ceremonial gatherings are for you if you’re…

  • Craving collaboration

  • Energized by sacred circle

  • Wanting to invite more ritual into your daily life

  • Ready to unleash the power within

  • Doing or imagining your sacred work - whether it’s internal or external  

  • Desiring accountability to connect with your flow and creativity 

  • Wanting to identify stories and patterns that create blocks

  • Lit up by listening to others and offering reflections (and also understand how projection tends to show up in group settings)

  • Seeking a growth edge to explore in safe-enough space

The Container  

  • Gatherings are weekly

  • Council is limited to 7 people to ensure each person has space to be seen and heard

  • Each gathering is 2 hours 

  • Gatherings include ritual, self-inquiry, reflection, dedicated high council + sharing

  • 1 High Council centered around each person to receive what they need from the circle

  • Opening and closing ceremony

  • Includes one deep dive 1:1 meeting with Kerrie (1 hour)

  • A private Whatsapp group to connect outside of circle

The High Council Embodies…

  • Leading with integrity

  • Tuning into our inner oracle 

  • Trusting the flow within the structure, and ourselves 

  • Validation of our intuition

  • Authentic expression

  • Internal validation of ourselves: our emotions, our unique lived experiences, and our gifts + medicines  

  • Listening for our boundaries, being able to recognize a hell yes and a f*ck no

  • Following what lights us up by listening to our hearts desires instead of forcing

  • Bringing our medicine into the world (which can also mean being vulnerable) 

  • Nurturing the ‘I’ through ‘We’

  • Receiving as well as giving

  • Practice being with discomfort and approaching ourselves with gentleness and kindness in its presence 

  • Supporting each other by showing up, being present, and cheering for our tribe, including practicing what it means to show up fully

  • Building community and connections that nourish and support our growth

Within the Container

During each gathering we will…

  • Set sacred space

  • Ground + embody + attune together

  • Have a self inquiry + reflection practice (i.e. writing prompts, journeys, guided meditations…)

  • High Council

  • Community harvest


High Council Sliding Scale //

$333 one-time payment OR 3 payments of $111

$277 one-time payment OR 3 payments of $92.33

$222 one-time payment OR 3 payments of $74

High Council + 1:1 Mentorship //

Includes all Unleashing the High Priestess sessions + 3 additional 1:1 meetings with Kerrie for 4 one hour 1:1 sessions

$555 one-time payment OR 3 payments of $185

Scholarships and alternative payment plans are always available, please send your request with an explanation of your situation to


Are you Ready to Unleash your High Priestess?

The below questionnaire is designed to help you feel a bit deeper into the sessions. There are no wrong answers, simply be honest with yourself about where you are on your journey.

  1. Do you feel called to offer your unique medicine to the world?

  2. Does community light you up and inspire you?

  3. Do you want a space to deepen into your authentic voice as a teacher, guide, and/or leader ?

  4. Do you have a sense of who you are and what your medicine is?

  5. Do you have an idea of an offering but could use support honing in on it and sharing it with others?

  6. Is supporting, cheering, and holding space for others nourishment for your soul?

  7. Do you yearn for safe-enough space to discover your power?

  8. Is being vulnerable a growth edge for you?

  9. Are you looking to explore blocks around your authentic expression and leadership capacity deeper?

  10. Are you a recovering perfectionist or have perfectionist tendencies and seek brave space to unwrap the Gifts of Imperfection*?

If you answered yes to 5 or more questions, I encourage you to join us at High Council. If you’d still like to work together but are craving personalized 1:1 time, take a look over here. If you’d like to know more about the hybrid model or have questions, click the the button below to request a free feeler call.

*The Gifts of Imperfection, by Bréne Brown 



What is High Council? High Council is a dedicated time (approx. 1 hour) where one person will have the floor while the rest of us hold space for what they need. It’s an opportunity for collaboration, reflections, blindspots, possibilities, and whatever other magick the collective group bring forward. Each person will receive a designated gathering to receive which will be provided before our first gathering.

Do I have to have a business? My general definition of Sacred Work is engaging in the realization of your souls desires and how we embody the truth of who we are, and often the ‘work’ is about self-discovery. If you’re currently in deep self-exploration, we’ve got space for you. If you have a dream of having a business, we’ve got space for you. If you’ve started down the road of a business and have been met with detours, we’ve got space for you. If you are stepping into an offering for the first time, or are up and running and looking to reconnect and/or possibly reevaluate what you’re offering, we’ve got a space for you.

Will I get practical business advice? There are opportunities to receive practical feedback and reflections, but ultimately it’s about connecting with what you need, crave, desire. This will be unique to you, your offering or business, and could present itself in unexpected ways - through group reflections, your own intuition, a whisper from nature, or spirit, or a card pull . So yes, there is the opportunity to receive advice, possibly in surprising ways.

What if I don’t know what I need from Council? There are multiple ways you could use your time with the High Council. There’s the possibility to try out something you’ve been working on whether that be a new service, course, or practice you’re preparing and want to do a ‘trial run,’ or, you could work through blocks - something that can be powerful to do while being witnessed - and receive empathy or reflections. If you wanted some clarity you could schedule your 1:1 meeting before your date to feel into what it is you’re needing, or, you could choose to trust that you’ll receive what you need without fully knowing what that is. High Council is meant to serve each of us in exactly the way we need, the invitation is to trust in what does or doesn’t show up.

I only get one chance to get feedback? Each priestess receives one dedicated gathering to bring what they have before council and ask for what they need. However, when we’re in community the collective consciousness (aka the Field) is constantly providing feedback and reflections, which is partly why we spend time in ritual before each council attuning to ourselves and the subtle energies we call in together. There is a synchronicity that permeates the group, a natural byproduct of being in ceremony, making each gathering an opportunity to receive feedback - perhaps in unexpected ways.

There will also be a Whatsapp group to connect with each other outside of our gatherings that you can engage with if you feel called

I don’t feel open to receiving feedback, is it required? I applaud you for knowing your boundaries. There will be an opportunity at the end of High Council to communicate what you need. You not only have full permission to ask for what you need including not being open to feedback, it’s a part of unleashing your High Priestess. As High Priestess members of council, we will honor your boundaries. 

What if I’d like to meet with you more than once? There is a ‘hybrid’ option (Unleashing the High Priestess + 1:1 Mentorship) which meets with me 3x in a 1:1 space, in addition to the group gatherings if you’re feeling called to have additional support. In this model we would meet 4x, plus the 9 community sessions.

What if I can’t make all of the gatherings? In a smaller group removing one person can feel like there’s a leak in the container, thus it’s ideal if you can be there for all of the gatherings. Of course, life happens, emergencies happen, unexpected events - and so if you need to miss a gathering, we can presence you in the space to call you in. Sessions will not be recorded.  If you know you will miss more than one session this isn’t a good fit at this time.

Will this be online only? Yes. There is a dream of in-person gatherings in the near future, but currently online is where it’s at.