Together We Can.

I help you remember the sacred within and all around so that you can enter into the labyrinth of yourself, healing and transforming that which is ready. By working with the body, mind, and spirit we can remember our wholeness. You are here in this body to have human experiences - we don’t wish away the challenges, we try and understand them so we can embrace life fully. I am simply the guide, you are your own healer.

I empower you to unleash the healer within, because with guidance, support, and some nervous system tending, we can do some miraculous shit.

Why is this work so important to me? Because changing the world starts with you + me. I personally want to see you thrive because that gets us all one step closer to effecting change and creating a new reality emergent from love, abundance, and belonging. The closer you come to your true Self the more you’ll recognize your unique talents and gifts and want to share them - and they’ll be brilliant, amazing, authentic, extraordinary! This is my passion, helping you remember your wholeness and what’s at your core so you can attune to your Highest Self and be unleashed as a force to bring forth great change. I’m a fellow human walking this path, and together, I dream we can change the world.



In Humble Gratitude + Appreciation for my Teachers + Guides…

• 600+ hour certified yoga instructor with specialities in Ayurveda, Yin, and Restorative yoga from the Ayurveda and Yoga Institute • Certified Qoya teacher • Trauma informed studies (Dr. Peter Levine Workshop, Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD Workshops, David Emerson + Jennifer Turner; Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga introduction course) , Amy Nicholson ‘Somatic Experiencing Skills for Anxiety’, • Compassionate Anti-Racism Studies‘Rebloom Foundations: Somatic Skills for Post-Traumatic Growth’ with Rachael Maddox • Mentorship with Madeline Giles • B.A. in communications + 10 years in corporate America (and survived to tell about it) • certified shamanic practitioner (Embracing Shamanism) • Relate: Skills Intensive (James-Olivia Chu Hillman)Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (pending certification) • High Priestess ordained minister • Nature + her infinite wisdom • Life, in all of it’s hurdles and grace

Yep, that’s me. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m a white, able-bodied, cisgender female, currently living on the unceded lands of the Lummi, Nooksack, Samish, and Semiahmoo native peoples. My privilege as a result of being born into this human body is the lens through which I see the world and I am learning to broaden my perspective. Any and all offerings are meant to be inclusive to all, and I am always open to listen to ways in which I can ensure every variety of the human population feels welcome here.

I honor the teachers and lineages whose grace has supported my journey, and my upmost gratitude to them and the Indigenous caretakers of the land. May their traditions be honored, their wisdom heard , and may they help us remember how to live in right - relationship to the land, each other, and as part of mother nature.