Ready to deepen into your healing journey?

Please come with what you’re currently working through in the form of a question (i.e. How can I find balance? How can I make more money? What should I do about this work problem? Where is my relationship headed? What’s my soul path? etc.). Not to worry if you’re not entirely sure what your question is, we will hone in on it together. Trust whatever comes up.

This process is about understanding what’s at the core of what you’re working through, it’s about awakening to your deepest parts. It is NOT a quick-fix or guarantee of any sort to ‘solving’ a problem or pattern. It is an investigation that will yield powerful and possibly unexpected results. It might be uncomfortable -those are the doors. Trust them to guide you to the treasure behind them.

Sessions are 75 - 90 minutes and are a sliding scale from

$125 - $90 USD