Are We Ready?

…This is more than a vote for a person or a party. This election year is monumental not because of whose running, but for what’s behind the facade. It’s not about whose good or bad or right or wrong, despite the 3D appearances. It’s about evolution. Evolving toward humankind.

Some of us have been ready, chomping at the bit, perhaps even born ready. Some of us have been recently initiated in the last four years, or maybe the last 7-8 months. For those of us who feel the call to action or maybe even just curiosity we are led forward by a burning observation;  there has to be another way, a better way. Those of us who see broken systems, deep seated issues, a history of white supremacy and the hierarchy of the patriarchy, and a recognition that the only way to move forward is to try something new, because the old ways aren’t working, are yearning for change.

This isn’t about a sense of entitlement of being better than others, the truest difference is simply we’re ready now

Some of us are not ready. Some of us have dug our heels into the mud and refuse to budge. Some of us  rely on the ways of the past and ache for the comfort of the known. Everyone's journey is different. That difference is not rooted in the polarization of right and wrong, it’s merely an impetus for growth tailored to our specific human experience. We are not here to judge or exploit others journeys but to allow them to unfold as they will, perhaps shining a light for each other towards that North Star. 

There will always be resistance and contrast because there must always be expansion and growth. Can the tension and division many of us feel act as a mechanism in which we dare to explore the darkness in order to take steps towards our evolution? If it’s imperative to have a history to learn from and therefore a point of reference to move forward to avoid the same mistakes, can that hold us in the ‘why’?

Much of these words are also a reminder to myself that no matter what happens, nothing will ever be the same - that’s the light at the end of the tunnel. This election is a bit like a litmus test, the findings will show if we’re ready enough as a collective. If the results prove we’re not ready those that are will feel like we’ve been tied down and kicked in the gut. That’s ok. But don’t stay down. Things will have to get worse before they can get better. Destruction is the only way to rebuild. It may feel like we’re in the heart of doing just that, but there may still be a few last stubborn structures that need to be exposed and crumble for us to move forward, time will tell. And yes, that’s scary, but the more catalysts the more likely others will be ready. We just have to stand our ground. 

As a species much of our time on earth has been ruled by undertones of fear. Fear of the natural world around us and it’s predators, fear of the unknown, fear of scarcity, fear of exile, fear for survival. We must start to move away from fear and dare to trust in the unknown, in abundance, in belonging, in love. Some of us are ready, some of us are not, and that’s ok. If you’re ready to take the leap into the darkness of uncertainty know that you’re lighting the way for others. 

All of that being said, vote. Let us know if you’re ready. If you’re not we’ll still be here pushing forward trying to light the path to prove there is nothing to be afraid of on the other side. What lies ahead is the potential for a new and expanded way of being that’s not governed by fear; what lies ahead is our evolution.


Fingers crossed that we’re ready,



Sacred Work ABC’s: Part I, The Core


The Moment the Breath Leaves