The Moment the Breath Leaves

My breath leaves me on every exhale, and it’s a gift. The release of the breath allows my cells to rest, if only for a millisecond. When I take the time to focus on the exhales, oh the deliciousness it offers.

The moment I am without breath is a place of possibility. There is nothing scary or foreboding. There is an entire universe that hangs in the stillness. Everything leading up to that moment - the deflating of the belly, diaphragm, and lungs, the dissipation of CO2 molecules through my nostrils, they are all a sacred process which lead me to a place of opportunity. A place of opportunity that not only always exists, but is accessible with the simple expansion and contraction of the ribs, every waking and resting moment of each day I inhabit this human form.

Where there is a moment without breath there is a chance to be reborn. Perhaps we are reborn every time the breath leaves us and lingers what seems fleetingly in that empty space. But empty space isn’t really empty, is it? It’s filled to the brim with the largest and smallest of existence. Entire worlds exist in that sweet pause of breath - always available to us, always within our reach, yet somehow hidden.

Hidden behind illusion, behind a false sense of security, a confused idea of existence. It’s for us to manifest the gifts that await each moment the breath leaves us. We must see it for ourselves to find our way home. We keep our hearts open and intentions pure, allow those who can see the potential that waits for us with every hanging moment of breath to explore and grow and learn with us.

There is no sanctity if we don’t allow for it - and these holy Truths must be revered. This is where the worlds collide, the duality becomes singular and the light shines. The moment the breath begins to leave a divine journey is initiated; a lifetime within our lifetime, cheering us on to meet the moment where we can be reborn, over and over, born hundreds of thousands of times in one lifetime.

This is the gift of the breath revealed: The moment where the breath leaves us is the moment where we begin.


Are We Ready?


A Birth Story.