Sacred Work ABC’s: Part I, The Core

There are a few questions you should be able to answer before you begin the epic journey of fulfilling your souls call with the Sacred Work you are ready to put out into the world. 

It can be challenging to narrow down inspiration into 3 questions, however, there is a freedom in the structure you will create that will ease the process of taking your sacred work from soul call inspiration to a tangible offering that exists in our 3-D world. 

I like to call them the Sacred Work ABC’s, because they are, at their core, the building blocks that will serve as your sturdy foundation. Before you panic that you’re going to be ‘stuck’ in these core blocks, remember that what you offer can always pivot, so long as what you're putting out there echo’s back where you started and why. 


Pun intended. Core work is so...ugghhhh, yet, we know (on some annoying level) how important it is to our stability. All movement is supported from our core, it helps us keep balance and helps protect one of our most vital structures; the spine. Breathing - when done correctly - flows down into the diaphragm, a muscle not only critical for respiration, but also stabilization. Strengthening our core helps us establish stability, is a central point from which other movement is possible, and protects us from becoming vulnerable to external force. Literally, and figuratively. Discovering what is at the core of your Sacred Work is essential. It will root you down, help you keep your balance when you teeter, and protect you when you’re at your most vulnerable. How? It stems from a place within you, not around you. It is your truth, your authenticity, your innate wisdom. On this journey it is easy to forget and get lost in the process  as you find yourself immersed in marketing tactics, brand identity, sales pitches etc. But if the core has been established, you can always come back to it, always come home and pause. It will help you remember, give you back your clarity, and inspire you to move forward again with a renewed sense of just how important your work is and why you started in the first place. Basically, this work is really freaking important. 


Here are some ways you can help identify what is at the core of your offering:

  1. Try not to overthink it. 

Yikes, I know, I just asked you to do the impossible. If you feel like you’re spinning here, then you probably need to walk away. The core of your offering shouldn’t be something you force out of your very active left side of the brain. Sounds crazy, but the truth is something this important should come from your inner wisdom. One of those ideas that seems to magically arrive in your consciousness. It doesn't matter if it’s fine tuned, it does matter if it’s authentic. Put away the pages of notes, journals, and any other work you’ve brain dumped up until this point. Approach it as if you were telling a friend all about this exciting new adventure you’re embarking on. 

1a) This leads to another important question...can you be okay with not knowing? If this still feels like too much to answer, is it possible that it’s not time yet? Can that be ok? Can you trust that when the time is right, you will know, it will be clear, and you’ll be able to dream so big and yet also become so clear on what and why you’re called to do this work that the micro and macro will make themselves known rather than you trying to figure them out. It’s a lot to ask...but it will also save you from an awful lot of grappling back up a deep rabbit hole.

2. Ask yourself these questions (in no particular order!):

  • Why am I called to this work? What life experiences have led me here?

  • What does it mean to me? How is it personal? 

  • What does/could it mean to people I care about? Why do I want those I love/care about to have access to this offering?

  • What does it mean to the world? How can it make a difference? 

  • Am I excited by the idea of it? Even if it seems overwhelming? 

  • Am I forcing it? 

  • Honestly, am I forcing it? 

  • What are my strengths? How do they play a role in the offering? 

  • What can I learn from my own offering? What lessons are there for me to overcome my own challenges? 

Once you feel complete and dare I say excited, part II is to move on to those three questions, those A, B, C’s. But for now, relax, have a dance party and celebrate working your core!


Why Sacred Work? Part I


Are We Ready?