Sometimes, There’s Nothing.

Here’s an honest post: I’ve got nothing. I don’t want to pretend either. Part of the journey is recognizing that sometimes, the tank is empty, and rather than push through I’m putting the car in the garage and plugging it in (because in this analogy I’m an electric car!) I’ve spent more than enough time beating myself up in the past for not doing enough, being enough, for any perceived lack in productivity. I’m good on the beatdowns. Shaming myself only means it’s going to take even longer to recharge. Like when you’re at the terrifying red percentage so you plug your cell phone in, but you’re still fiddling on the phone while it charges. Sure, it will charge, but, if you let it rest you’ll get quicker results - and what can I say, I like quick.

Honoring that my creative juices are a bit dried up in this moment takes guts, because I’m basically admitting that I’m not perfect, can’t do everything, and refuse to pretend. With feeling a bit drained and not excited about writing I’m changing the story where I tell myself “I can’t” to “I want to”. 

“I can’t write. I don’t have it in me. Oh man, things aren’t going to get done, I’m not a productive member of society, I’m a failure, everything is going to fall apart, what’s wrong with me?? Why can’t I do it?? I’m going to be rejected! Ok, push through and write so you’re not voted off the island of life, I can’t relax, I have to get this done,” and so the shame spiral would begin.

Instead, we’re going with “I want to relax, take it easy, let my mind be mush. Whatever I don’t get to today will get addressed later. I’m a badass who always gets it done and trust my judgement on what can wait until later. So for now, it’s ok to chill. I want to feel like myself, so that means taking it easy and putting away the to-do list.” 

Amazingly, I’m writing in order to share this, but this post was only possible in the moment I told myself it was ok to not post today, I could take it easy. I was so proud of myself I felt the urge to post to share the fact that I didn’t want to write so I wasn’t going to. Funny how that works huh?

Anyway, that’s all. I have no witty quips, no sarcasm, not even a cute puppy photo for you today. Just these words:

It’s ok to take it easy. (just read the first paragraph of this article - and the rest if you’re a writer that has trouble relaxing, or a regular human who has trouble relaxing, and want a few tips, the list is pretty good and is applicable to all).






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