In the Darkest Hour

I want to stand in Times Square

and Scream.

A sound from the depths, primitive, reverberating, alive.

I am alive, and it hurts.

Confusion, heartbreak, fury, flummox

they swirl and twirl, a dance within the confines of my body

cells agitating, temperature rising, lungs and heart sinking down deep, my abdominal cavity hangs lower and lower

my insides will soon drag on the floor

a trail of entrails.

It’s the scream of an ageless soul who has seen too much

bore witness to death, destruction, exile, genocide

time, after time, and time again.

The barbaric reality of civilization,

Casting out what is deemed un-serving

making choices to feed a values system that we are fed.

Who built the walls of this prison?

Perhaps we didn’t map out the design, but surely aided in the cinder blocks and cement.

Take a step back and the walls are so high we can no longer see past what’s right in front of us.

No space to ask questions, to wonder if and when we decided on these walls.

What did we decide?

Compliancy propels the machine,

innocent as we may feel, we are swallowed up, taking refuge in the belly of a beast.

Our sickness has become the earth’s sickness.

The wisdom that was held has been buried under the rubble of progress.

Of course it’s a paradox, and of course it comes with consequences.


Follow that.

Does it guard your tender heart? because to let it in, to feel it-

eject, eject, eject.

Rise up, the Mother of all Mothers, the priestesses , the heretics, the crones. We need you now, in this darkest hour. Hold us whilst we scream and rage, melt and decay, breaking down, composting, returning to your soil, hearts splattered, tears vacant vessels of prayers. Fill our bellies with your softness, our lungs with your fire, push us forward, remind us how to

Rise up.

Rise up.

Rise up.

Revive Human Kind in this, the darkest hour.


Becoming a Corporate Drop-Out


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