Miasha Continued…

There are an absurd amount of coaches and guides and healers these days, so when you find the one that gives you what Kerrie calls the “sacred hell yes” in your gut, follow it! I’ve always been attracted to working with people who are comfortable with ambiguity, who constantly remind you that YOU alone have the answers and grant yourself access to all you seek. The best mentors I have had are ones that focus on building my confidence in myself and taking my “wins” as moments to remind me that I don’t “need” them. This is how Kerrie operates. She “walks her talk”, follows her truth, and inspires me to do the same.

Kerrie is one of those leaders that supports leaders, rather than leaders who seek followers. The High Priestess work/mentorship is a perfect example of that. It’s not about being taught/certified to do her process or put something on your spiritual resume (which are pretty common these days). The mentorship is a unique process co-created by yourself, the wisdom and practical experience within Kerrie, and the infinite guidance that she is able to channel from source.

The initiation and invocation are all about orienting your inner being– metaphorically dropping anchor in the core of your deep, resonant, sacred self, so as the expansion process unfolds you have a clear access point to your truth and creative energy. It’s the space that I could hear my ambiguous rambling answers echoing from when someone would ask me “what do you want to do?”. Kerrie intuits ways to grow that connection. She offers practical, simple, straight forward invitations (ideas of what to try) that help me do just that. She has a very wise and loving perspective. In sessions, to me, her offerings feel very connected to divine maternal love– safe, unconditional, and you can feel how truly proud she is to witness you just as you are.

The mentorship is designed in a way that is totally unique to YOU (not the surface you, not the ambitions you have, but the BEING that is you). Some sessions have been focused on transmuting emotions, karma, energy work, lifestyle practices, breaking down mental blocks, and exploring sacred creation, be it for an offerings or for personal healing. Some days I’ve been super excited before a session and other days I’ve felt resistance before a session, and while Kerrie is able to totally shift her offerings in the moment, her level of compassion and capacity to hold space is unwavering no matter what I am working through that day.

Her only requirement is showing up, and that is one of the humblest but most significant messages, because no one can blaze your trail for you, but if you are willing to do your trail blazing, she will be behind you 100%. She offers invitations instead of instruction. She teaches what she knows, but she just as readily suggests looking into things that are outside the scope of her knowledge if she feels it could serve you. She is a deeply spiritual soul and also an immensely funny human. She is just as likely to bow to you in gratitude for being vulnerable with her as she is to do a wiggly dance while making a wide-eyed excited face and yell “YAAAY!” to celebrate you... Oh, and she makes really good playlists!

It’s been an awesome and unexpected ride so far, and I’m so excited more soul family is hearing the call to reconnect in the here and now. The joy around growing a community of muses who are liberating themselves and diving deeper into their creative power is palpable. I can’t wait to meet everyone who follows their “inner sacred hell yes” and ends up on this party train.

-Miasha Vicino