Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Sometimes we need to move below the story. The memories the body holds don’t require a narrative. As meaning making beings, talking is essential to our well-being, but how do we communicate with the layers within us that don’t use words?

Sensation and feelings are the body's language, and learning to speak and understand the mother tongue of the vessel that carries us through our lives can be an extraordinary gift that can transform how you exist - physically, emotionally, and spirituality. 
I’ve tried a plethora of somatic techniques to learn to work more with this non-intellectual layer, but found sensation to be evasive - the more I tried to focus on it, the more elusive it became.  There are many reasons why, but I’m focusing on my how, because that’s the nuance in this little story.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) was the crucible for sensation. As I lay on a massage table, fully clothed, while a BCST therapist used light touch on various parts of my still body, a new door opened. An intense door, filled with sensation that had been locked away for a long long time, started to feel safe enough to be felt. Important side-note; timing is a critical component to this story, as is it to yours. For me, sensation wasn’t safe - I’ve spent YEARS Building Trust, Remembering my Wholeness, and awakening to Divine Communion. These foundational tiers were necessities for my healing journey. With this strong foundation, the depth of safety I feel in my body, with who I am, and my trust and faith in the benevolent and loving universe that steers me through life, I have found my way to this new evolution of my journey. What I’ve created is luscious enough to hold the expressions my body is ready to make. 

This experience led me to deepen my skill set with Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. I was curious and wanted to know more. I loved the ideology that a practitioners job is to assist in bringing forth the innate health in your system, allowing it to reorganize in its own time and way. This is the key that drew me to BCST. Its core differentiator is that rather than a “mechanical” or “doing” approach to traditional craniosacral therapy, it doesn’t manipulate a desired result. Instead, it relies on the unseeable and unknowable Divine Intelligence (often called “The Breath of Life” or “Primary Respiration” in BCST) that we each have access to - every, single, one of us. Dis-ease and trauma often happen in relationship, therefore, they require relationship to tend and mend those wounds. Creating a safe relational field and accessing a deep, timeless, stillness where healing can happen is one of the skills I’ve taken away from my time studying BCST. It has allowed me to deepen the space I hold for healing to unfold by listening with curiosity to the story your body is ready to tell. 

BCST is a unique mix of science and spirituality, skill and faith. Whereas I didn’t feel called to complete the 2 year training, I am grateful for the time I spent learning and absorbing this potent practice and how it interweaves with the ways I practice Energetic Embodiment.



p.s. If you’re curious about a full BCST session reach out - my network of BCST practitioners is quite extensive ;)


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